Day: January 11, 2024

Mom’s Night Out: The New Team in Women’s Wednesday Soccer League.

There is a new team in the Women’s Wednesday soccer league at Akron Indoor Soccer, and they are not your typical soccer moms. They are Mom’s Night Out, a group of mothers who are looking for some fun and exercise away from their kids. They are coached by Alisa, a former high school defender who once saved 13 kittens from a burning litter box and then scored the game-winning goal against Saint Vincent Saint Mary.

Mom’s Night Out was formed by Alisa and her friends, who just wanted 1 hour of alone time. They decided to recruit other moms from their neighborhood, school, and work, and soon they had a full roster of 12 players. They range in age from 25 to 45, and have different levels of soccer experience, from beginners to veterans. Some of them played in high school, and some of them have never played before.

The team’s motto is “Finally Alone”. They do not care about winning or losing, as long as no one is asking for a juice box. They enjoy the camaraderie and the challenge of playing against other teams, and they also like to socialize after the games. They often go out for dinner, drinks, or ice cream, and share stories and jokes about their kids.

The team’s name, Mom’s Night Out, reflects their attitude and their goal. They want to have a night out every week, where they can forget about their responsibilities and stress, and just have fun playing soccer. They also want to show that they are more than just moms, and that they have their own hobbies and interests. They are proud of being mothers, but they also want to have their own identity and independence.

Mom’s Night Out is one of the newest and most unique teams in the women’s Wednesday soccer league. They are not afraid to try new things, and they are always ready to have a good time. They are not looking for trophies or medals, but for friendship and fun. They are Mom’s Night Out, and they are here to play.