Un-Zippers: The Rebranding of a Coed Soccer Team

Boofiest Goolers was a coed soccer team that had a lot of fun, but not a lot of success. They played in the Akron Indoor Sunday Coed league, where they were known for their goofy name, their colorful uniforms, and their friendly attitude. They did not care much about winning or losing, as long as they enjoyed the game and each other’s company.

But they were not satisfied. They wanted more. They wanted to win the league title and prove that they were the best-coed soccer team in the city. They wanted to make history and leave a legacy.

They knew that it would not be easy. They knew that they would face tougher competition, higher expectations, and more pressure. They knew that they would have to work harder, smarter, and better than ever before.

They have a plan and a dream.